As a resource for churches and students who are leading their groups in worship, we wanted to let you all have a copy of our daily set lists from our time at CIY MOVE. We hope this encourages you and your church to take the songs you learned at Move and let them impact your congregation. Most of the songs listed are available on iTunes, Amazon, and Spotify. 


Relentless - B

Alive - D

Our Hearts, Your Home - C

This is Amazing Grace- G

Your Love Never Fails- G

Holy Spirit - E

Forever Reign - B

I Will Look Up (chorus) - B



Wake - G

This is Amazing Grace - G

Cornerstone -  Bb

Give Me Faith - E

Give My Life To You  - E



Alive - D 

Wake - G

Only King Forever - B 

Scandal of Grace - B 

Holy Spirit - E

Wake Up O Sleeper - D 

Dust & Bones - D 

For The Cross - F# 

Oceans - D

Give My Life to You - E 

Our Hearts, Your Home - C 



Relentless - B 

Furious - A 

For The Cross - F#

I Will Look Up - G



Only King Forever- B

Wake- G

I Will Look Up- G

Give Me Faith- G (acoustic)

I Give My Life to You- E

Forever Reign- B

Cornerstone- Bb

Dust & Bones- D



For the Cross- F#

Our God- A

Alive - D



Alive - D

Furious - A

Your Love Never Fails - G

Wake Up O Sleeper/Oceans - D

Cornerstone - Bb

Scandal of Grace -  B

One Thing Remains- D 



Relentless - B

Forever Reign - B (chorus & bridge)

I Will Look Up - G



Our Hearts, Your Home - C

This is Amazing Grace - G

Give My Life To You - E

Holy Spirit - E (chorus)

Dust & Bones - D

Oceans - D

Only King Forever - B

Wake - G 

Alive - D


We are so glad you stopped by the website to get some info on what we are up to!

We've got a few things coming your way in the very near future but for now we've got three things you should know about:

1. Download "Our Hearts, Your Home"

We released a single a few months back for FREE! Yes that's right for FREE! So go ahead and click on "Our Hearts, Your Home" and start listening! 

2. Recording

We are currently in the process of recording a version of our song "Dust & Bones". We know some of you have been waiting in anticipation and believe us we are as eager and excited as you are! We look forward to sharing that song with you all very soon.  When the time comes, the song will be available for download on iTunes

3. CIY Move 2014

This summer we are hitting the road again and partnering with CIY Move for a couple of weeks. We will be traveling to San Diego, CA and Corvallis, OR to worship with a few thousand high school students. These weeks are extremely dear to our hearts because we know and value the importance of raising up the next generation to advance God's kingdom. Stay up-to-date through our various social media outlets and join in on our travels.


Thank you again for checking out the website! 

-Louie and Brianne